Library Policies
Check Out Policies
Loan Period:
Students may keep books for 1 week. To renew a book, they will need to bring it to the library for renewal.
Loan Limit:
Kindergarten: 1 book (September-December), 2 books (January-June)
Grade 1: 2 books in September, 3 books October - June
Grade 2: 3 books in September, 4 books October - June
Grades 3-5: 3 books in September, Self-Regulated checkout October - June
What is Self-Regulated Checkout? Students may decide how many books they would like to checkout based on:
1. What they can read in 1 week
2. How many books they can be responsible for
3. How many books fit in their backpack
4. Have no outstanding books out
Book Return:
Books are due back every week on your library day. Emails will be sent to families the day before books are due.
Overdue Books:
Overdue notices are automatically sent weekly via parent email. Please help your child to return their books on time.
• Late by 1-30 Days: Students who have books that are late by 1-30 days will not be penalized and may continue to checkout if they have less than 3 books checkout out.
• Late by 30 + Days: Once a book is late by 30 or more days, the student will not be able to check out until the book has been returned or paid for.
Lost or Damaged Books
Students who lose or damage a book will have a few options to choose from:
1. Pay the full cost of the book or what you can afford to pay.
2. Buy a replacement copy of the same exact book.
3. Reading Log - read off your fine. Students who are unable to pay for their book can pay with “reading minutes”. They will read for a specified amount of time depending on the cost of the book. They will complete a reading log, have a parent sign it, and return to the library.
4. Community Service. This option is only for students who are not able to complete a reading log (due to age, ability, etc).
Library Curriculum
- Library Skills: Locates, accesses and uses library resources responsibly and effectively.
- Literature: Uses literature to pursue personal interests, expand global understanding, and reach academic goals.
- Research I: Identifies the task, determines resources needed, and locates sources.
- Research II: Uses information, presents findings, and evaluates the research process.
- Citizenship: Uses information and resources safely, ethically, legally, and responsibly.
Specialist Grading Rubric
Lake Washington School District Specialist Rubric
ABOVE STANDARD (4) This student performs at standard (3) and in addition is a consistent, independent, and self motivated learner. The student actively contributes to the classroom learning experience.
AT STANDARD (3) This student regularly:
- focuses and engages in the class activity
- listens to and follows instructional directions and asks for help when needed
- follows class rules
- respects people and school property
- cooperates with others to accomplish lesson goals
APPROACHING STANDARD (2) This student sometimes:
- focuses and engages in the class activity
- listens to and follows instructional directions and asks for help when needed
- follows class rules
- respects people and school property
- cooperates with others to accomplish lesson goals
NOT AT STANDARD (1) This student seldom:
- focuses and engages in the class activity
- listens to and follows instructional directions and asks for help when needed
- follows class rules
- respects people and school property
- cooperates with others to accomplish lesson goals